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Car Hire Martinique
If you like the Sun, the beach and the sea, you'll adore the Martinique. Go in February to have the opportunity to attend the Carnival of Martinique starting 25. It is imperative to try a seafood dish when you're in Martinique: Norway lobster, the Kingfisher or the crayfish. The Martinique dishes are a mixture of French and Creole.
Culture in Martinique
Side, the Museum of the banana to Sainte Marie has just on... the banana. It is a banana which tells the story of the banana and its cultivation techniques. Then do a little souvenir shopping in the handicrafts markets where you can buy gifts such as a sculpture in wood and of course the rum. Visit this country in complete freedom with a car of destination.
Choice of destination for the Matinique vehicle
Our available at Martinique cars are manual and with air conditioning. Choose a vehicle with 2, 3, 4, or 5 doors for your stay at very competitive prices. You won't have to look far to take possession of your car because we have a point of pick-up at the airport in Fort of France.
With specialtyrentacar.com, you can book a destination drive for the Martinique without cancellation fees, no card fees and without charge to pay. Get all this when making your booking with us.